Living with 5G.

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It’s all around us, constantly. Typically, our bodies don’t tell us when were being exposed, just like some people don’t feel it when they lie on the PEMF system with the beneficial frequencies right away, but the harmful effects from ongoing exposure to EMF radiation show up in various symptoms over time.

There are so many forms and sources of high frequency manmade EMF radiation already in place – it’s not just 5G.

But, the launch of 5G will be similar to turning on the microwave, opening it’s door and leaving it on…

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PEMF Therapy 101

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PEMF Therapy acts as an energy resource to charge your body’s mitochondria through a safe level of EMF’s that typically fall between a range of 0.5Hz and 30Hz. This level is low enough that is found organically in nature. Research has demonstrated that PEMF therapy has proven to help bones heal at a higher rate of speed, regenerate parts of the liver, reduce pain associated with arthritis in the bones, ease depression, improve sleep quality, improve blood flow and circulation, increase immune function and more.

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Does PEMF help Relieve Pain?

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Many people use PEMF to help relieve aches and pains.

Muscle relaxation and improved circulation: The therapeutic application of pulsating magnetic fields produces tiny electromagnetic impulses (inductions) in the body. Through weakening nerve impulses to the muscle cells, they lose their tension and are better able to relax.

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Ready to purchase a PEMF system?

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If you would like to order the iMRS Prime or Omnium1 2.0 PEMF technology, learn about pricing, and any specials, along with financing options – just reach out! You will be provided with top-quality service, knowledgeable advice, health-related guidance, before and after you get your SBS PEMF Product.

Toll-Free Phone: 1 (888) 621-1011

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PEMF for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

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RA usually causes joint pain, swelling, and tenderness at several joints at the same time. It could also affect the fingers and hands, as well as the shoulders, elbows, knees, jaws, back and neck. The severity of the condition may vary with periods of strong symptoms followed by remission of pain and swelling. Overtime it leads to joint damage and deformation. People suffering from RA may have difficulties completing even the simplest tasks.

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iMRS PRIME – The most advanced PEMF system for home or clinical use.

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Enjoy a healthy, active life with the power of nature in an incomparable PEMF product, well researched by the medical field, the iMRS Prime.

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How do Low-frequency PEMF therapy Systems work?

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You lay on a whole body PEMF mat and use localized applicators to introduce Pulsating Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs).

PEMF Therapy is simple. The Earth naturally produces biologically resonant energy and a magnetic field that we have evolved with for thousands of years.

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