Posts Tagged Magnetic Resonance Stimulation

Living with 5G.

5g hidden in trees

It’s all around us, constantly. Typically, our bodies don’t tell us when were being exposed, just like some people don’t feel it when they lie on the PEMF system with the beneficial frequencies right away, but the harmful effects from ongoing exposure to EMF radiation show up in various symptoms over time.

There are so many forms and sources of high frequency manmade EMF radiation already in place – it’s not just 5G.

But, the launch of 5G will be similar to turning on the microwave, opening it’s door and leaving it on…

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Magnetic Resonance Stimulation or PEMF?

Canva null 4 scaled

Magnetic Resonance Stimulation is basically finely tuned PEMF! iMRS stands for intelligent Magnetic Resonance Stimulation and PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy.

PEMF is the newer well known term for this innovative technology in the world of integrated wellness.

PEMF stands for pulsed electromagnetic fields and pulsed electromagnetic field therapy = intelligent magnetic resonance stimulation (iMRS).

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