The Omnium and the iMRS Prime are made by Swiss Bionic Solutions, the global leader in PEMF Systems.
SBS PEMF Systems are FDA Registered and Health Canada Approved.
Read more →The Omnium and the iMRS Prime are made by Swiss Bionic Solutions, the global leader in PEMF Systems.
SBS PEMF Systems are FDA Registered and Health Canada Approved.
Read more →RA usually causes joint pain, swelling, and tenderness at several joints at the same time. It could also affect the fingers and hands, as well as the shoulders, elbows, knees, jaws, back and neck. The severity of the condition may vary with periods of strong symptoms followed by remission of pain and swelling. Overtime it leads to joint damage and deformation. People suffering from RA may have difficulties completing even the simplest tasks.
Read more →The frequencies coming from a smart meter are not directional, but radial, meaning they don’t shoot in one direction only but bounce around in all directions, so it is important to fully cover the entire smart meter as even one small section not covered will leak the emf radiation and it can still end up coming into your home where you and your family live.
Read more →The essence of health is optimally functioning cells. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy is a profoundly beneficial, cutting edge technology that exercises, rehabilitates and re-energizes our cells, restoring optimal cell functions and correcting the electrical field which has been distorted by electrosmog. This process balances the body’s
Read more →Earth’s background base frequency, “heartbeat” or Schumann resonance, fluctuates but it is not raising dramatically, despite all the hype on Facebook. The following statement from Annette Deyhle (Phd), the Research Co-ordinator for the Heartmath Institute, whose website and charts many are referring to as their “proof” that
Read more →Nowadays computers, tablets, and phones have become unavoidable parts of our lives. We use them for everything: work, study, counting our steps, monitoring our heart rate, dating, reading, researching, cooking, streaming music, the list is endless and we cannot live most of our days without the internet.
Read more →PEMF therapy is used in many of the world’s top alternative cancer clinics, in North America, Europe, Asia, and Central and South America.
Read more →Enjoy a healthy, active life with the power of nature in an incomparable PEMF product, well researched by the medical field, the iMRS Prime.
Read more →Ty Bollinger: If you could explain to the viewers, what is a PEMF machine and how does it work? And also thank you to Coleen, who is actually going to be receiving a treatment. Dr. Martin Bales: She is actually undergoing active treatment right now. That’s the sound
Read more →Pulsating electromagnetic fields are used to activate various physiological processes in the body and this is done with finely tuned PEMF parameters which creates resonant PEMF therapy. Low frequency and beneficial low intensity PEMF, with 2 waveforms for delivery, and a cohesive signal.
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