Posts Tagged lyme disease

PEMF and Lyme Disease – A Story of Hope and Recovery


Chronic Lyme disease is an immensely painful and bewildering struggle for many people these days. B. burgdorferi, the spirochete bacteria responsible for Lyme disease, can burrow deeply into the body’s tissues with its corkscrew form and stealthily hide from the immune system. This is why the disease is so complex and difficult to cure, and why it’s becoming a silent epidemic in our world today.

I know this struggle intimately, as I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease four years ago, though I suffered through the symptoms in confusion for the last two decades. I had crippling joint pain, mysterious gastro-intestinal upset, debilitating mood issues, brain fog and a general “sick” feeling that would come and go. These were getting worse and worse over the years, and they eventually rendered me unable to work consistently and support myself.

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